Pixel Companion | A friend of pixel artists that helps with lossless image upscaling and online color palette exploration, designed to solve Procreate pixel art blurry when exporting.

Pixel Companion

A friend of pixel artists that helps with lossless image upscaling and online color palette exploration, designed to solve Procreate pixel art blurry when exporting.

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Loseless Image Scaling

Experience the magic of lossless scaling, ensuring your pixel art retains its crispness and clarity even when scaled to different sizes. Say goodbye to blurry and low-quality exports and watch your creations come to life with stunning precision!

Direct Scaling from Procreate, Photos, and more

Upscale your pixel art without blurry right from apps like Procreate. No need to adjust canvas size and other settings just for an export.

Online Color Palette Exploration

Explore a vast collection of online color palettes at your fingertips. Find the perfect combination of colors to add depth and vibrancy to your pixel art. From retro to modern, there's a palette for every style!